經約兩年等候神,2004年初本教會受命落腳於土瓜灣開始服侍社區,主力對象為草根基層,長者,新來港內地人及暫住香港之東南亞裔人。 傳揚福音及作愛心服務、領人歸主、奉父子聖靈的名為信的人受洗歸入基督、邀請他們與教會同行。 以耶穌恩典的愛讓他們經歷神的賜福、以聖經真理建立生命,委身作門徒服侍。
在神界,人界,靈界及自然界(其他受造物) 關係中,三一神是唯一真神;父子聖靈同等同位。受造的人類若要得著真神永恆賜福及永生,相信耶穌是唯一途徑。人必須努力離開罪惡,拒絕撒旦。自然界所有皆神創造,全是美好,要珍惜要保護。此乃本教會一貫服侍服務原則。
(文章日期 2011/08/01)
Having been called and confirmed, Evangelical Grace Church of JESUS (EGC-JESUS) registered herself as limited company without share capital, with SAR Hong Kong in December 2001, status of non-profitable organization was granted as well.
After waiting 2 years for God, EGC-JESUS was instructed to settle in Tokwawan to minister to local communities, targeting grassroot classes; elderly; new-comers from Mainland China and temporarily residing South, South-East Asians. EGC-JESUS preaches the Gospel and serves them with love and heart; leads them to Jesus; baptizes them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; invites them to walk their lives with church. With the gracious love of Jesus, EGC-JESUS helps them experience the blessings of God, edifies them with biblical truth and life-testimonies, for enhancement in faith and commitment to serve God as disciples.
Being a church herself, EGC-JESUS was instructed to serve other churches and Christian bodies. With Jesus as head and in one accord, EGC-JESUS takes every chance to humbly serve other churches and Christian bodies, in difference aspects.
EGC-JESUS preaches the Gospel with heart, courage and ability form the Holy Spirit. Believing the Scripture is the sole necessary and sufficient source of wisdom and guidence, EGC-JESUS is serious in practically applying biblical truth in daily matters. Acting as role models themselves, pastors and teachers teach brothers and sisters and edify lives.
EGC-JESUS keeps serving with the following principles concerning God; human being; spirit & angel and the nature (all other creations of God). The God of Trinity is the only true God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one and same in status and personalities. For every human being, the creation of God, the only way to salvation is to believe in Jesus Christ. People must do their best to be away from sin and refuse satin. Everything of mother nature are creation of God, they are good and needed to be treasured and protected.
(Article date 2011/08/01)
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